Artificial Intelligence Course in Coimbatore

For all such aspirants who have dreams of making their career future in artificial intelligence, such a course provides the best offer for them. A well-crafted course equally suited to those aspiring students and professionals who look forward to getting better at understanding or simply learning their basics about AI technologies. The course has made fresh updates to compile what the latest artificial intelligence programming industry has to offer. And by the end of the program, you get to be marked as an industry-ready individual. Hands-on experience, expert mentorship and real-world projects make up this artificial intelligence training course in Coimbatore, which is among the most preferred courses in the region. Our Coimbatore Institute specializes in the delivery of technology-based artificial intelligence courses focused on their high-quality delivery and practical experience. Our years have seen us reaching thousands of students across the educational sector and helping them realize their dreams. The program offers theory with practical aspects, with the best training from expert trainers. This is the perfect stepping stone to your bright future in AI. Sign up now to take the first step toward a bright future in artificial intelligence.

Key Features

Highlights of Xplore IT Corp Artificial Intelligence Course

Detailed Syllabus

Artificial Intelligence course in coimbatore has covered most aspects of AI. It is due to its more diversified forms of data streams like machine learning and deep learning that formulates its curriculum wherein students will have perfect theoretical as well practical knowledge of AI.

Real World Experience

We believe learning must go into the real world. Live projects, case studies and exercises in coding comprise an important portion of our education in AI. Such hands-on exposure is strictly hands-on with the students finding real-world exposures to work in the system.

Industrial Certification

After completing the course successfully, an industry recognized certificate is provided to the student. It helps every student to get his desired employment as well as to get growth in his career.

Professional Trainers

Trainers here have great experience in industry and in-depth expertise on it . They help explain complex ideas on AI with clarity to their students.

Flexibility in Learning

The online classes offer the opportunities to learn from within a classroom. It works best for the students and working professionals.

Placement Support

100% placement support .The dedicated placement support team helps students by making resumes and conducting mock interviews.

Artificial Intelligence Course Objective

Our AI classes will introduce you to the world of artificial intelligence course in coimbatore and machine learning we will, however, leave deep learning alone for now.

AI Basic

Learn all the algorithms present in AI; understand how different algorithms can work practically.

Mastering AI Algorithms

Practical works to apply whatever knowledge of AI and related aspects that could be grasped to understand better the problems under solution.

Working on Real Projects

Understanding the Applications of neural networks in artificial intelligence and how neural networks work.

Understanding Neural Networks

Learning about AI models’ work, their development, training and deployment using industry-relevant tools.

AI Model Development

Through this course, get job-ready skills as well as get ready to take up the AI roles at top IT companies.

Getting Ready for AI Careers

Benefits of Artificial Intelligence Certification

Benefits of Learning Artificial Intelligence Course at Xplore IT Corp

AI Professionals in High Demand

AI professionals are in demand everywhere. Learning artificial intelligence course in coimbatore will enhance your career as well as your remuneration.

Hands-on Training

Our curriculum has interactive hands-on training on real-time projects. In this way, our students get prepared for their respective jobs after the course.

Industry Accepted Certification

Our Artificial Intelligence training courses provides certification. This will enhance your resume.

Advance Your Career

AI is the future of technology and getting the skill in AI will set you ahead of the market place and bring exciting career opportunities for you.

Expert Guidance

Our subject experts will provide special guidance and mentor the learners so that every learner understands the concepts easily regarding AI.

Access to AI Tools and Software

Opportunity to get the latest AI tools and frameworks in practice, currently being used in the industry.

Syllabus of Python Course

C & C++ Programming

⦁ History
⦁ Features
⦁ Setting up path
⦁ Working with Python scripts
⦁ Basic Syntax
⦁ Variables and Data Types in scripting
⦁ Operators

⦁ If , If- else, Nested if-else statements
⦁ For, While loops
⦁ Nested loops
⦁ Control Statements

⦁ Accessing Strings
⦁ Basic Operations
⦁ String slices
⦁ Function and Methods

⦁ Accessing list
⦁ Operations
⦁ Working with lists
⦁ Function and Methods

⦁ Accessing tuples
⦁ Operations
⦁ Working
⦁ Functions and Methods

⦁ Accessing values in dictionaries
⦁ Working with dictionaries
⦁ Properties
⦁ Functions

⦁ Defining a function
⦁ Calling a function
⦁ Types of functions
⦁ Function Arguments
⦁ Anonymous functions
⦁ Global and local variables

⦁ Importing module
⦁ Math module
⦁ Random module
⦁ Packages
⦁ Composition

⦁ Printing on screen
⦁ Reading data from keyboard
⦁ Opening and closing file
⦁ Reading and writing files
⦁ Functions

⦁ Exception
⦁ Exception Handling
⦁ Except clause
⦁ Try ? finally clause
⦁ User Defined Exceptions

⦁ Class and object
⦁ Attributes
⦁ Inheritance
⦁ Overloading
⦁ Overriding
⦁ Data hiding

⦁ Match function
⦁ Search function
⦁ Matching VS Searching
⦁ Modifiers
⦁ Patterns

⦁ Architecture
⦁ CGI environment variable
⦁ GET and POST methods
⦁ Cookies
⦁ File upload

⦁ Connections
⦁ Executing queries
⦁ Transactions
⦁ Handling error

⦁ Socket
⦁ Socket Module
⦁ Methods
⦁ Client and server
⦁ Internet modules

⦁ Thread
⦁ Starting a thread
⦁ Threading module
⦁ Synchronizing threads
⦁ Multithreaded Priority Queue

⦁ Tkinter Programming
⦁ Tkinter widgets
⦁ Mail Communication in python scripts

Python Web App Development With Django

⦁ What is Django?
⦁ DRY programming: Don’t Repeat Yourself
⦁ How to get and install Django

⦁ Setting up database connections
⦁ Managing Users & the Django admin tool
⦁ Django URL Patterns and Views
⦁ Designing a good URL scheme
⦁ Generic Views
⦁ Django Forms
⦁ Form classes
⦁ Validation & Authentication
⦁ Advanced Forms processing techniques
⦁ Unit Testing with Django
⦁ Using Python’s unittest2 library
⦁ Test
⦁ Test Databases

⦁ Scrapy – Overview
⦁ Scrapy – Environment
⦁ Scrapy – Spiders
⦁ Scrapy – Item Pipelines
⦁ Scrapy – Link Extractors
⦁ Scrapy – various output consoles
⦁ Define item
⦁ First spider project
⦁ Crawling Content
⦁ Extracting item
⦁ Scraped data

⦁ What is Flask?
⦁ Flask – Overview
⦁ Flask – Environment
⦁ Flask – Application
⦁ Flask – Routing
⦁ Flask – Variable Rules
⦁ Flask – URL Building
⦁ Flask – SQLite
⦁ Flask – SQLAlchemy

Machine Learning Using Flask

⦁ Serializing with pickle & DB setup
⦁ Basic Flask App
⦁ Embedding Classifier
⦁ Deploy
⦁ Updating the Classifier

⦁ The core: Image – load, convert, and save
⦁ Smoothing Filters A – Average, Gaussian
⦁ Smoothing Filters B – Median, Bilateral
⦁ OpenCV 3 with Python
⦁ Image – OpenCV BGR: MatplotLIB
⦁ Basic image operations – pixel access
⦁ iPython – Signal Processing with NumPy
⦁ Signal Processing with NumPy I – FFT and DFT for sine, square waves, unitpulse, and random signal
⦁ Signal Processing with NumPy II – Image Fourier Transform: FFT & DFT
⦁ Inverse Fourier Transform of an Image with low pass filter: cv2.idft()
⦁ Image Histogram
⦁ Video Capture and Switching colour spaces – RGB / HSV
⦁ Adaptive Thresholding – Otsu’s clustering-based image thresholding
⦁ Edge Detection – Sobel and Laplacian Kernels
⦁ Canny Edge Detection
⦁ Hough Transform – Circles
⦁ Watershed Algorithm: Marker-based Segmentation I
⦁ Watershed Algorithm: Marker-based Segmentation II
⦁ Image noise reduction: Non-local Means denoising algorithm
⦁ Image object detection: Face detection using Haar Cascade Classifiers
⦁ Image segmentation – Foreground extraction Grabcut algorithm based on graph cuts
⦁ Image Reconstruction – Inpainting (Interpolation) – Fast Marching Methods
⦁ Video: Mean shift object tracking

⦁ Installation
⦁ Features and feature extraction – iris dataset
⦁ Machine Learning Quick Preview
⦁ Data Preprocessing I – Missing / Categorical data
⦁ Data Preprocessing II – Partitioning a dataset / Feature Scaling / Feature Selection / Regularization
⦁ Data Preprocessing III – Dimensionality Reduction vs Sequential Feature Selection / Assessing Feature importance via random forests
⦁ Data Compression via Dimensionality Reduction I – Principal component analysis (PCA)
⦁ Data Compression via Dimensionality Reduction II – Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA)
⦁ Data Compression via Dimensionality Reduction III – Nonlinear mappings via kernel principal component (KPCA) analysis
⦁ Logistic Regression, Overfitting & regularization
⦁ Supervised Learning & Unsupervised Learning – e.g. Unsupervised PCA dimensionality reduction with iris dataset
⦁ Unsupervised Learning – KMeans clustering with iris dataset
⦁ Linearly Separable Data – Linear Model & (Gaussian) radial basis function kernel (RBF kernel)
⦁ Decision Tree Learning I – Entropy, Gini, and Information Gain
⦁ Decision Tree Learning II – Constructing the Decision Tree
⦁ Random Decision Forests Classification
⦁ Support Vector Machines (SVM)

After all, it is our courses on artificial intelligence course in coimbatore which are being imparted by the most promising faculty and trainer that I speak of. Through their vast experience and real knowledge about the concepts and applications of AI, they make students get the best out of this learning experience. They made teaching these kinds of artificial intelligence training courses well-structured and methodically helped teachers translate their learning objectives into hands-on practice with and among latest AI tools and techniques. These trainers also help students gain confidence by making daunting topics easier, preparing them for the brightest career opportunities in AI. Apply now and walk into a bright future with our artificial intelligence training courses.

Artificial Intelligence Training courses in Coimbatore

Xplore IT Corp is one of the artificial intelligence course in coimbatore. It has been designed in collaboration with field specialists to meet the expectations of the labor market of today.

Practical learning

We obtain hands-on experience in projects and case studies extracted from real life for our training method.

Affordable Course Fees

We deliver the finest Artificial intelligence training courses at the cheapest cost to enable the education of artificial intelligence to all.

Career Support and Guidance

The placement assistance facility is an opportunity to get employment with the prestigious firms, depending upon the well-framed resume and practice of interview rounds.

Flexibility in Timing Options

We take weekend classes and weekday classes especially for students who work or study and working professionals.

Supportive Learning Environment

Our trainers are friendly and our classrooms well equipped for effective learning.

I enrolled myself for the Artificial Intelligence course with Xplore IT Corp. It has been fantastic learning experience with the trainers providing practical knowledge to understand complex topics in a simpler manner. Highly recommend their artificial intelligence training course for anybody who aspires to be at some level of advancement into AI.
Mukesh Kumar
The Artificial Intelligence course from Xplore IT Corp has been well beyond my expectations. The hands-on sessions and expert instructors made the entire learning process easy for AI. I am sure this course has made me ready for my next career transition.
Radhika Ramesh
The AI training held within Xplore IT Corp was really top class. Establishes a good foundation on artificial intelligence and pretty real-world applications can gladly bet my confidence with my skills. Good call for anyone who's quite curious about going into AI.
Vikram Selvan
I have undertaken a lot of AI certifications earlier, but as the name suggests, an Artificial Intelligence course at Xplore IT Corp has been different. This has had the widest spread and the most useful approach to grasp the key ideas. An excellent investment for any serious-minded person about AI.
Anandhi Priya
Xplore IT Corp has one of the best artificial intelligence courses that really put me on the direct path to and within my industry. Trainers were very proficient; course structure is handily designed for beginners and even for professionals. Must do something for anybody pursuing AI!
Karthik Raj

Placement after Artificial Intelligence Course

Strong Industry Networking

Xplore IT Corp collaborates with the majors in the IT industry to ensure that the student gets placed in good AI jobs.

Placement Team

Besides job referral, our placement team guides the students about career development along with training the student in interviewing alongside.


Arrangement of internships through top firms opens the student toward the usage of hands-on AI.

Resume Building

Our experts prepare resumes for the use of students about AI to impress the employer.

Mock Interviews

Mock interviewing prepares students for confident performances about AI.

Career Support & Job Assistance

Xplore IT Corp has all-around career support ranging from job referral, resume refinement, and even mock interviews to help students secure the topmost AI roles in the industry.

Job prospects after graduating from the course

AI Research Scientist: Advances AI technology by innovative research and development

Machine Learning Engineer: This engineer works to develop algorithms which enable the machines to learn and make decisions

Data Scientist:In order to help make business decisions, data scientist works to discover the hidden patterns within large datasets.

AI Software Developer: Design and develop AI applications and systems that would be available for multiple industries

AI Product Manager : Develop and outline AI products as well as strategies and solutions

AI Consultant : Support business ventures to design the best plans in incorporating AI into their ventures in order to optimize their outputs.

We offer a placement course in Python, ensuring you have a clear path to employment and continuous support and guidance from our dedicated placement team.

Our in Demand Courses

Frequently Asked Questions

Coimbatore's Artificial Intelligence courses range from 3-6 months depending upon the batch and learning mode.

Yes, but not compulsorily all the coding basics can be guided to newbies.

Yes, artificial intelligence course in coimbatore start from the base level to advanced levels.

After completing the course, you will be able to work in top IT firms as an AI engineer, data scientist or machine learning expert.

Yes, once completed the course will be done by the student will get an industry-recognized AI certification.

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